As a matter of fact, it is not necessary for a boy to be as smart and strong as Salman Khan or as attractive as Amir Khan to win the heart of a beautiful girl.
It is true that finding a girlfriend is not an easy task, but it is certainly not impossible. Having a girlfriend is a natural thing.

Yet, many boys find it difficult to approach a girl; in fact, many guys find it very hard to start a cordial conversation with girls.
So what is it that makes it difficult for guys to find a girlfriend?
The first thing is, guys in general are not very smart with their communication skills.
If you want to have a girlfriend, it is necessary for you to be good at conversations.

Improving your conversational skills is not very difficult.
The very first step is to try to gather more and more information about subjects that can be used in a general cordial talk with girl of girls.
Some guys prefer to date with Asian girls, while some other loves to be Caucasian blond girls, American or European girls.

Now, if you are looking to be friends with an Asian girl, you will have to know more about her Asian culture and background.
While there are many Asian girls in US, you can easily attain chances of meeting Asian girls online through various social networking sites including Facebook, Twitter or Orkut.
Furthermore, there are many Asian websites that offer online dating and conversation services.
Chinese girls do enjoy services of Chinese online dating websites to know about western men from USA and Europe.

Indian girls love to meet guys from different part of world through internet.
Once you make sure that a specific girl is attractive enough to be your long term girlfriend, you need to start gathering information about her country, culture and religious patterns.
While American girls or European girls are open to ideas about dating and mating, Indian girls or Chinese girls are not that much forward and often they remain shy about online dating and love relationships.
However, Asian girls are gradually opening up about long distance love relationships.
Many Asian girls prefer to be in love relationships with western men through online dating websites and often they desire to meet their online love in real life to seek future prospects of a happy married life.
It should be noted that Chinese girls or Indian girls and in fact most of the Asian girls are shy and submissive in nature.
They prefer determined and dominant men who can not only understand them but can easily lead them to a beautiful married life.
Asian girls prefer to be in long term married relationships.
Thus, if you succeed in impressing an Asian girl online, she will certainly try to seek possibilities of marriage.
She will ask about your educational qualifications and income resources to ensure that she can lead a stable married life with you.
Be confident and true while chatting with an Asian girl online because truth is the key for success in love life.