As a lot of you know, Target released the Mulberry for Target bags in early October. The Target bags are replicas of Mulberry's original handbag designs......or are they? Yes, they are not priced at $1000, but their not as beautiful and luxury looking as the originals.
I planned to buy two, the large denim blue satchel and the pebble large black tote. However, I ended up only buying one [large denim blue satchel]. Honestly, before the line was released, the blue denim satchel was the only one that caught my eye. Besides that, it was the only bag marked down at my local Target, so that was a plus.
I planned to buy two, the large denim blue satchel and the pebble large black tote. However, I ended up only buying one [large denim blue satchel]. Honestly, before the line was released, the blue denim satchel was the only one that caught my eye. Besides that, it was the only bag marked down at my local Target, so that was a plus.
As for the other one, I went a couple of days ago to my local Target to purchase the handbag. However, while examining the bag it was very cheap looking and feeling...nothing like pictured in the photo below. The price and quality of the bag just didn't sit right with me, so I passed. Hopefully, Target gets it right next time.